Mobile App Push Notification

Push out your message to all app users at a specific time to highlight your educational event, promotion, or activity in your booth.  Limited to a total of 2 commercial Push Alerts per day over 5 days, and only one notification per company


$1,750 per Push Alert.



Tuesday May 6: All slots available

Wednesday May 7: No slots available

Thursday May 8: No slots available

Friday May 9: No slots available

Saturday May 10: All slots available


Contact to request more information.  Deadline to submit contetn is April 11, 2025.



Subject Title Line: 30 Character Limit (including spaces)

Body: While shorter messages are more user friendly on mobile devices, the body of the notification can be scrolled to accommodate lengthier messages, and can contain full clickable URLs to link the attendee to a webpage or sponsor profile.  The suggestion is to stay within 500-700 characters.

Please provide:
(1) Date/Time Alert will be scheduled to send (subject to review of potential conflicting ASPHO messages)
(2) Alert Subject Title
(3) Body of Alert message