Conference Website Landing Page Digital Ad

Place a digital ad on the highly viewed ASPHO website conference landing page.  This page is the second highest page for traffic on the ASPHO website and the traffic grows as it gets closer to the conference and for some time thereafter. Limited to two digital ads running at the same time.  30-Day posting.

- Reach attendees before and after the meeting.

- Promote your organization or event with a link to your website.

- Ensure your success at the conference.

- Drive traffic to your exhibit or event.

Review the Advertising Application Form for more details or reach out to ASPHO.


Ads placement on right-side white space just below the quick links.  Square Ad Specs: 300 x 250 pixels with a max file of 40K. Resolution of 72dpi or 72px and must be in JPEG format.  Flash ads are not acceptable. Submissions must include a clickable URL (that is ‘utm’ tagged) and alt text.