Featured products

Early Career Roundtable Lunch Sponsorship

The Early Career Roundtable is a luncheon for over 100 Hem/Onc physians to gather and network.  Your sponsorship of this important onsite event will provide great visibility to the next generation of prescribers and decision makers.


Your sponsorship will include appropriate signage at the entrance to the event and in the meeting room during the event.  The Sponsor will have a 2 minute welcome introduction at the beginning of the program and the host of the event will be sure to acknowledge your organization's support verbally at the end of the program.  A postal mailing list of the program attendees will be provided to the sponsor after the conference to use for a follow-up mailer.*

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Mobile App Platform Title Sponsorship Package


Almost all of the attendees are accessing the mobile app platform frequently throughout the conference.  The conference mobile app platform will enable everyone interested in the Annual Conference—attendees and non-attendees—to access the program directly from their smartphones, tablets, or PCs. Users can browse the schedule, search for sessions and speakers, claim CE credit, and access maps of the Convention Center and Exhibit Hall.  The app platform will also support the on-demand sessions and programming for about 60 days after the conference has concluded.  The app provides thousands of impressions before, during, and after the Annual Conference.


Opportunity Details, including:

  • Dedicated Main Navigation Menu Item: Can include individual direct links to Sponsor/Exhibitor Listing, website, handouts, and/or other web-based items.  Limit 3 linked items.
  • High Priority Rotating Banner Ads on mobile app and desktop platform.  Includes click-through web link.  Title Sponsorship includes two separate ads showing providing twice the visibility.  NOTE: additional single rotating digital ads will still be available to other organizations.
  • Multimedia Video Message: Sponsor video is downloadable from a Vimeo or Youtube video link.
  • Enhanced Sponsor/Exhibitor ProfileIncludes logo, description, contact information (contact form, email, phone), website link, social media links, document resource uploads, custom ad with click-through web link
  • Push Alert: push your single message to all users on a day/time of your choice. Extended message can include text, links, and images.
  • Acknowledgments in the printed pocket guide and multiple other signage and slide placements onsite (subject to printing deadlines).  
  • Post-conference marketing email: Your logo and acknowledgment are included in a marketing email sent to all members and attendees after the conference to remind them of the on-demand options available.
  • Post-Conference Analytics


Deadline to submit materials to ASPHO: March 15, 2025.


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Keynote Speaker Sponsorship

This must-attend event is one of the highlights of the ASPHO Conference.  The 2025 Keynote presentation will be a very popular speaker who will be entertianing the audience.  (Watch this page for further Keynote Speaker details once confirmed).  Our Keynote event is presented the first full morning (Thursday) during the conference and is one of the the highest attended and rated programs of the conference.


Your sponsorship for this non-educational program will be acknowledged in the printed Pocket Guide*, on the ASPHO Conference website, in the conference mobile app, and on all Keynote-related signage or messaging.  The sponsor will have a 2-minute welcome remark for the audience.

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Tote Bag Insert

Connect with leaders in the field of pediatric hematology/oncology at the Annual Conference by having your literature provided directly to attendees.  Participation gets your materials into the hands of every attendee early as they arrive onsite.  The bag insert will provide a physical messaging piece for an early impression and a call-to-action to visit your display or sponsored event.  The bag insert is placed into the conference tote bag that all attendees will receive as they check in at Registration for the conference. 


Deadline to submit materials to ASPHO for review for inclusion with the tote bags: April 1, 2025.

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Bronze Exhibit Package

This is an excellent package for organizations wishing for a physical presence in the exhibit hall, but also have the budget to gain additional exposure and acknowledgment throughout the conference.  The Bronze Exhibit Package includes:

--  a 10'x10' corner booth in the exhibit hall

-- a 6' skirted table and two chairs, ID signage, and basic carpeting for the booth

-- standard Passport Program participant to enhance booth traffic

-- acknowledgment on conference signage and in the mobile app platform as a Bronze Level sponsor

-- Bronze Level badge ribbons for your attending staff

Simply complete and return your completed exhibit application form, indicating the Bronze Exhibit Package.

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